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Metaversity Podcast

Join Chris and Kristen as they discuss the latest news and topics related to crypto, NFT’s, blockchain technology, Web 3.0, the open metaverse, and the future of digital innovation.

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Meet The Hosts

Chris Gillett

Chris Gillett

Chris is a technologist, entrepreneur, consultant, enthusiast for all-things-blockchain and open-metaverse, and host of the Metaversity podcast.

Chris has been immersed in the technology space for most of his life, passionately embracing and championing emerging tech along the way. His eternal curiosity fueled his early adoption of tech from 3D printing, to drones and robotics, to mixed reality tech, and blockchain and metaverse projects – even creating several Star Wars droids at home just for fun (we love you BD-1).

As an advisor and backer for an up-and-coming open metaverse company he passionately believes the innovation in this space is poised to fundamentally revolutionize the world.

Co-host of Metaversity, Kristen has been heavily entrenched in future technology for the last decade; creating and launching a location-based chat app, developing and testing AI & machine learning libraries, designing software UX, and 3D mapping & modeling real-world spaces.

Kristen’s passion for technology and diverse background in psychology, the arts, and marketing gives her a unique perspective on the future of the metaverse and adoption of blockchain technologies. Kristen is an entrepreneur, artist, founder, and CMO of STRATIS: building a community-owned digital twin of the real world for the metaverse.

Kristen Gillett

Kristen Gillett

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